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Home > MacBooks > Updating to Monterey
Updating to Monterey
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The Tech Dept is really excited about the new Mac OS, Monterey. Here are some important SFHS-specific notes about the update. You can read more about Monterey at


Key Note #1: Backup your files


These days you may want to assume that everything is always backed up. The following simple procedure will answer the question of, "Are my files safe if my laptop breaks?"


- Turn off your computer.

- Ask yourself, "Can I get to my files without turning this computer back on?"

If all your important files are safely saved to Google Drive or if you have iCloud configured to safely synchronize your files you should be ok, but YOU need to see if that is true. 

To check Google Drive, login at and click the "Go to Drive" button in the upper-right corner of the page. 

To check iCloud, lo and browse the Files folder. This is where you may find files from your computer desktop or documents folders, if you have iCloud file sync'ing enabled. 

If you don't find all your notes, photos, documents, etc. then it means that you either don't know where your files are or you do not have them backed up. Either way, schedule an appointment to review your laptop with our Technology Services team. Simply create a ticket at and someone will assist you.



Key Note #2: The installation takes a significant amount of time. 

  • You will need your power cord.
  • You will want to leave the computer alone for a couple hours during the installation process. 
  • The faster your internet speed, the faster the upgrade.



Key Note #3 Have a "backup plan"


An operating system upgrade is not a trivial thing. If something goes wrong, have a backup plan for how you are going to respond. Do you have a secondary device? Do you have sufficient time to get technical support? 


Key Note #4: Do you have special software that you use? Has it been tested for compatibility with Monterey?


The Tech Dept has confirmed that Monterey works for all the software that we install and use at SFHS. If you have niche programs or other specialty software that is less common, please do some research with the vendors to insure you don't loose access to the software after the upgrade. 


Key Note #5: The user interface looks a little different in Big Sur & Monterey. Be prepared to make some minor adjustments. For example, Airplay and Do Not Disturb are accessed differently.

Another important thing to know is how Big Sur changes the appearance of items on your screen. It may require a small amount of time getting used to the new aesthetics. Aside from  beautification it makes one noteworthy change by introducing the Control Center on the Finder Bar at the top. Apple has consolidated the Do Not Disturb, Airplay and some other functionality onto this location. These are useful functions when teaching or attending meetings. It looks like this:



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